Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Breakfast at The Brambles.


I work in a very busy restaurant, and after working for five solid days it's nice to start my time off with a little treat. I'm not exactly known for my culinary skills, but with a little help from my brother and my dad's ridiculously simple pancake recipe we managed to cook up a mini feast this morning. 


1 cup Plain Flour 
1 cup Milk (plus an extra slosh if it's a bit thick)
1 Egg 

This is for 4-5 pancakes, but you can adjust the amounts accordingly. We've always done this recipe with a handy little cup measurer we have, but you can find plently of pancake recipes in grams and milliliters online.  

 We whisk everything together in a jug, which makes it easier to pour. You can always do it in a bowl and ladel it into the pan though. Also, a handheld electric blender/whisk can be helpful - ours has broken which is why we're dragged back into the dark ages and are doing it all by hand. Try and get your batter as thin in the pan as possible, and keep turning your pan to get a nice round shape. We've often ended up with squiggly looking pancakes or really thick ones - surprisingly these ones went fairly well, but I suppose practice makes perfect!
Cook for a couple of minutes on each side - ideally until the pancake is light brown. I'm sure you all know that anyway :)

Et voila!
I like mine best with sugar and the squeeze of a fresh lemon, or failing that, a bit of Waitrose essentials lemon juice. But they're just as good with chocolate chips, blueberries or syrup.

I hope you enjoy this simple breakfast as much as me. I'm thinking about trying american pancakes next, does anyone know any good recipes? Are they as difficult as people say?

Merci :)
Until next time!

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